Crèdit de síntesi

Clàudia (clinic): Hello, St Andrew's Clinic.

Maria (you): Hello. Can I speak to a consulting nurse or doctor, please?

Clàudia (clinic): Hello, it's Dr. Robin. How can I help you?

Maria(you): hello. I'm Sarah Wilson and my mother has just scalded herself. What should we do?

Clàudia(clinic): Ok. Listen. First you should run cold water over the affected area.

Aina (sister):For how long?

Clàudia (clinic): For about 10 minutes to cool it down.

Aina (sister): Right. And shall I remove the ring she's wearing?

Clàudia(clinic): Yes , you should.

Maria(you): Ok. What else can I do?

Clàudia(clinic): Now you should cover the wound with a sterile bandage to prevent infection and come to the clinic as soon as possible.

Aina (sister): Ok. Thanks for your advice. We'll folow the instructions and come to the clinic.

Clàudia(clinic): Good job Sarah! See you later.

Maria (you): Good bye.

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